
What a time!

At the end of a secluded lane, guarded by a magnificent fig tree, seventeen Clarence Coast Dragon Boat Club members headed to McLennans Lane River Retreat to combine with Grafton paddlers to enjoy a relaxing Australia Day paddle on the majestic Clarence River. 

After the ‘Acknowledgement to Country’, two dragon boats were launched. For the next 90 minutes, paddlers enjoyed the pristine peaceful river views. Following the paddle, we headed to the shed for a superb spread of egg & bacon rolls, fruit platters, coffee and chocolate brownies.

And of course, following tradition, we enjoyed a few competitive games of thong throwing, sack races and nibbling at an arrowroot biscuit to produce a map of Australia.

What better way to come together surrounded by good people and good food on the soul of Big River country. 

Lesley Sutton