Lynne Mowbray
Ulmarra couple Di and John Leask, had been planning their 71-day, ‘trip of a lifetime’ cruise from Australia to the United Kingdom, for the last 13 months.
The couple who had done a bit of travelling over the last few years said that this trip was particularly special because of its itinerary. It ticked off lots and lots of places on their bucket list, including circumnavigating the Mediterranean.
John told the Independent via Facebook, that their cruise ship Vasco da Gama departed Fremantle, Western Australia, on 12 February, cruising to London, via south-east Asia.
John said that the couple had so far visited Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Singapore.
“From Singapore we travelled to Phuket, but we were not allowed to dock, so we anchored there in the bay for seven days, until (another ship) the MV Columbus arrived,” John said.
Due to the worldwide impact of the fast spreading Covid-19 virus; cruise liners were suspended, and passengers were advised to make their way back to their homeland.
“The two (virus free) ships moved out into international waters and did a passenger transfer,” John said.
“The massive mid-ocean exchange of passengers saw around 250 passengers and over 500 pieces of luggage transferred by tenders between the two ships – a process which took around five hours.
“All Aussies and Kiwis (from MV Columbus, were transferred to our ship to return to Australia) and the Europeans were transferred on to the Columbus, to return to London.
“It was a gutsy move by the CMV (Cruise & Maritime Voyages) and the first time since before WWI, that such an event has occurred,” John said.
John said that the passengers have been on board the ship, since leaving Singapore 18 days ago.
“We were supposed to be getting off today (Friday),” John said.
“The agreement as of 18 March, made between State and Federal bodies, was for us to disembark today (Friday) and fly home.
“We had booked our flights ($1100) and arranged car hire and then, 24 hours after everyone on board had their bookings confirmed, the WA Premier did a backflip and withdrew the approval.
“We were told that we were all going to be taken to Rottnest Island and put into quarantine, so everybody onboard scrabbled to cancel all their flights and bookings and were desperately trying to get refunds,” he said.
After yet more backflips and being told that it was only the WA residents that would be going to Rottnest Island, the Vasco da Gama arrived at Perth around lunchtime on Friday, 27 March. By mid-afternoon they received the news that they would all be transferred to Rottnest Island.
“The crew on our ship has continued to treat us like treasured guests, under VERY difficult times and I cannot speak more highly of CMV and the Vasco da Gama,” he said.
John Leask said that the Vasco da Gama docked in Fremantle WA at 5pm on Friday night.
John said that the cruise ship ‘Artania’ which had docked before them, had 70 new cases of Coronavirus overnight.
“The New Zealanders on our ship have all been tested in their cabins. After their luggage was removed, their cabins were fumigated by masked and overall wearing, workers. The NZ passengers were then allowed to return to their cabins. Depending on their test results, they will be disembarking into Quarantine around 10.30pm tonight.
“All 900 plus passengers will be tested before leaving the ship and going into 14 days Quarantine. The WA Government are putting arrangements in place with hotels to accommodate passengers,” he said.
Latest UPDATE on John and Di Leask of Ulmarra
Monday, 30 March 12.30pm – The latest report from John and Di Leask, was that they have packed their luggage and it has gone and they will be disembarking from their ship Vasco da Gama at 2pm today, at Fremantle Passenger Terminal, WA.
“We haven’t been told on the ship, but we believe we are going to a hotel in Perth (where we will be quarantined for the next 14 days),” John said.