Letter sent to Clarence Valley Council:
ATTENTION: General Manager
Mr Lindsay
I note the new Shell service station in Yamba opened for business on Saturday 10 August 2019.
As you will be aware, there has been significant opposition to this development from the local community. Much of the concern arises from traffic management and safety issues due to the site being inappropriate for the purpose of operating a service station business. Vehicle traffic will be coming and going from the premises for 18 hours per day, adjacent to an already notoriously busy and problematic intersection. There has been a general sense of confusion in the community regarding how service station traffic will be managed to safely access and exit the site.
Based on the proposed layout plan in the original Development Application, I understood that, as approved, service station traffic would be one way. Namely, for safety reasons, as clearly shown in the plan (copy below), entry via Yamba Road only, and exit via Treelands Drive only. However, it has been brought to my attention that there is currently no signage to indicate to vehicles approaching the property that entry is prohibited from Treelands Drive – see photo below. Similarly, there is currently no signage indicating “No Exit” from the property to Yamba Road.
Does this constitute a breach of the DA approval conditions? If so, why has the service station been issued with a Compliance and/or Occupancy Certificate?
Alternatively, please advise, if:
- the DA approval regarding traffic movements has been amended, (I do not recall seeing a modification to this condition), or
- appropriate signage (“No Entry” / “No Exit” or similar) will be required.
For public safety reasons, I request Council’s prompt attention to this matter.
Leigh Chiplin, Yamba