Thursday October 28, a much-anticipated event on our calendar – the Shirley Drum Triples sponsored by Yamba Bowling and Recreation Club. Life Member Shirley also generously provides prizes for winners on the day.
It was a perfect day for bowls – warm with a cooling breeze (which some found a little tricky throughout the day). But the games were played in great spirit, and it was easy to see everyone thoroughly enjoying the experience. After the second game we were treated to a barbecue lunch – prepared by our trusty social chair Cheryl – with Gabby and Raels ably assisting. After our much-enjoyed repast, it was out on the green again to tackle the third and last game.
Our Controlling Body for the day was the ever-supportive Bob Ballantyne who took care of the preparations for the competition and wove his computer magic to produce the results at the end of the day.
And it was team Marj Thompson, Kaye Mason and Marianne Jenner with three wins and 86pts who came up trumps. It great to see our old friend Marj back on the greens after a long break and it seems she certainly has maintained her great form. Runner-up was the team of Ann Kelly, Maria Sakac and Monica Parker with three wins and 81pts.
Prizes for the winners and runners-up will be awarded on Presentation night.

Drummy had thoughtfully provided extra prizes for those not in the winning circle and Barbara Backshall, Chris Cole and Cathryn Aitchison were rewarded for the first touchers of the 1st Round, and it was Pauline Chilcott, Chris Cole and Gloria Davis who took out the toucher prize for the 3rd Round. Overall, I can sum it up as one of our better days on the Calendar and I am sure all present, would agree.
Thanks also must go to our Match Committee, Wendy and Kaye and to Ros and the selectors for their tireless input and a big thank you to ever-helpful Maz and Dave Atkinson for looking after us on the green.
Also, thanks again to Cheryl and Co for the delicious cake we enjoyed after the games. And not forgetting Debbie May again for the lovely flowers won by Chris Cole.
But the biggest thank you of all goes to Drummy – our loyal and supportive Life Member. You made many ladies happy with your generous prizes and your support on the day. We all hold you in the highest regard.
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