Community News
The Maclean RSL Women’s Auxiliary
We held our regular monthly meeting in the River Rooms of the Maclean Services Club on Monday 2 November.
President Lynda opened the meeting at 10am and welcomed 12 members. The Ode was recited and a minutes silence was held for those experiencing bereavement or illness within their family. Three apologies were received and the minutes of the October meeting were read and accepted, this was followed by the correspondence and Treasurer’s reports.
Details for Remembrance Day were finalised. Our annual Christmas shopping trip was discussed. We shall be going to Coffs Central Shopping Centre and Homebase this year, cost is $10 each. Any members who were unable to attend the meeting and would like to come along please contact either Jan on 6647 7104 or June on 6646 8266 to reserve your place as soon as possible as seats are limited. Members are requested to be at the RSL at 8:15am for departure at 8:30am.
Our final meeting of the year (Monday 7 December) will be a shorter meeting than usual and will commence at 11am. This will be followed by our break-up Christmas luncheon (cost $22 each) in the club, if you have not already registered your intention to attend please call June on 6646 8266. Members are requested to bring along a Secret Santa gift on the day. Annual subs for 2016 ($10) are now due and payment can be made to June at December meeting if you have not already paid. There being no further business the meeting closed at 11:10am.
Any lady who is interested in obtaining further information about our Auxiliary you are invited to come along to any of our monthly meetings which are held on the first Monday of the month at 10am in the River Rooms of the Maclean Services Club. We will be having a short break over the Christmas period so our next regular meeting will be held on Monday 1 February 2016.
Please note that you do not have to be associated to Defence in any way but just have a desire to assist in our fundraising efforts which go towards our ex-serving and current serving members.
Lynda Leslie