Local News

This essential bridge replacement is funded by the Fixing Country Bridges program. Image: CVC.

Tenders approved for multiple bridge projects

Ark Construction Group has been awarded the tender for the restoration of Wilcox Bridge on Four Mile Lane at Swan Creek, which was badly damaged in the March 2022 flood and has since been out of service. 

The $3,259,798 cost of the project will be funded by the joint Commonwealth and State government funded Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA), subject to receiving the agreed funding schedule from Transport for NSW.

The new reinforced concrete bridge will have a 100-year design life and provide complete replacement of the flood damaged structure.

The tender to reconstruct three more bridges has been approved, with $,971,755.64 funded under the Fixing Country Bridges program and a Council contribution of $57,000. Fulton Hogan Industries will deliver the Design and Construct Replacement of Billys Creek Bridge on Armidale Road, Dundoo Flood Bridge on Kungala Road and Wintervale Creek Bridge on Old Glen Innes Road.

Fixing Country Bridges is also administered by Transport for NSW, and provides funding for the demolition and replacement of timber bridges with stronger, safer and more durable concrete bridges. Source: CVC Communications