
Subsidise rooftop solar


Our government now gives $57 billion in fossil fuel subsidies. “Business-as-usual.”

It costs us $368 billion for Aukus, our U.S. nuclear submarines deal, for nuclear submarines that may never even be built. Now that really is a big deal.

But under “business-as-usual” our global warming world has become our children’s and future generation’s global roasting world.

Today 20% of Australians are children. And our children are 100% of the future, but they’re still too young to vote for their future.

So, here’s an idea for our government that’s still happy to splash our cash on subsidies that scare the living daylights out of so many young people. What about spending a tiny fraction of the $425 billion of our money they spend on fossil fuel subsidies and the nuclear submarines deal, to subsidise the Australian manufacture and installation of solar panels and a solar water heater on every home in Australia? 

This may not be “business-as-usual”, and it wouldn’t cost the Earth.

And another subsidy for our present government to consider now that they’ve accepted that we need a lot more new houses in a hurry. How about a subsidy to our housing industry if they build new homes with light-coloured roofs, roofs more suited to our changing climate?

But until our major Parties change direction so that we don’t end up where we are heading, ever increasing numbers of young voters will vote for a minor Party.

So don’t just go green with envy, change direction, for the future is what you choose.

Harry Johnson, Iluka