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Geoff Helisma |

Following Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s announcement that the Liberal Party will put One Nation below Labor in its how to vote cards, Labor’s candidate for Page for the soon to be announced federal election, Patrick Deegan, has challenged the Nationals incumbent, Kevin Hogan, to do the same.

“Mr Hogan crossed the floor over the chaos in the Liberal Party, now he has to decide: will he follow his National Party colleagues if they don’t preference One Nation last?” Mr Deegan said in a media release.

This assertion is incorrect; Mr Hogan moved to the crossbench and said at the time that he would vote on legislation on a “case by case basis”.

“I cannot condone … this constant rotation of prime ministers by both the Labor Party and the Liberal Party,” he said.

“[But] I remain committed to the National Party.”

Mr Deegan said in his media release: “Labor didn’t need to see what Steve Dickson and James Ashby were up to, cosying up to the NRA [National Rifle Association] in America before making this decision,” Mr Deegan said.

“Pauline Hanson and her One Nation party have shown their true colours since the beginning.

“Labor does not want to associate with this party.

“I will be putting One Nation last on the Page how to vote cards.”

Mr Hogan said that Mr Deegan’s “question” about where One Nation would be placed on Mr Hogan’s how to vote cards “was valid”.

However, he said there “was no word on the ground” about whether or not One Nation would run a candidate in Page.

“If they do come up with one, I will be very public about what I will be doing,” Mr Hogan said.

On what he will do regarding sitting on the crossbench, Mr Hogan reiterated his past position.

“I will review it after the election if I’m still here,” he said.