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Spiritual Matters by Rev Chris Sparks

Positive Energy Rocks

I love old cars. In my stable I have a 1956 Nash/Austin Metropolitan (very rare in Australia) and a grey Ferguson tractor (affectionately known as a “Grey Fergie”).
I mention these two in particular because the electrics on each are configured so that the negative terminal on the battery provides the power the vehicle needs, while the positive terminal is grounded to the vehicle chassis. But all later vehicles are configured the other way around.
Now, this is of little consequence – for even if someone with a more modern vehicle gets the polarity wrong, all that’ll happen is a fuse will blow to protect the vehicle systems.
The point of this observation is that it crossed my mind when listening to news bulletins and talk-back radio that the main topics that grip our media seem to be firmly anchored in the past – where the positive was grounded and the negative powered the vehicle’s electrical systems! What I mean is that our society appears powered by a diet of negative energy while the positives are consigned to a mere support role – passively completing the circuit.
The penchant for mass media to concentrate almost solely on negative news is not a new thing. However, what society really needs is much more positive energy; a focus more on the good things that drive our lives.
As I reflected on this, I came across a story that illustrates how a positive approach to life can achieve so much more.
A city in the Netherlands had a problem with litter. The sanitation department tried doubling the littering fine, and even increased the number of rangers to patrol the city streets. But all to no avail. Then someone suggested that instead of punishing those who littered, they could reward people who put their garbage in rubbish bins. So, a plan was drawn up for a bin that could dispense coins when litter was inserted. But this was rejected as too expensive. However, it led to another idea – to commission the development of a rubbish bin that would play a recorded joke when garbage was deposited! It worked, and different bins were set up to play different kinds of jokes – changed every two weeks. Now citizens went out of their way to put garbage in these new bins – and the streets were clean again!
The Church as a whole can often attract some bad press. And as we’ve noted, negative news always attracts considerable interest and comment. Some of the criticism is valid, for Christians are not infallible. However, those who faithfully follow in the footsteps of Jesus – their guide, mentor and Lord – inevitably display attitudes that are positive and reflect the faith, trust and hope that has given rise to the name appended to the message of God to us all – through Jesus.
That word is ‘Gospel’; literally ‘Good News’.

What’s so good about God’s message through Jesus? Simply put, that God offers unconditional love and forgiveness (or ‘grace’) for past attitudes and mistakes, to all who choose to accept that love, and serve him as Creator and Lord.
This creates positive energy in the lives of those true followers of Jesus who will inevitably reflect his teachings and follow in his footsteps. This positive energy then powers both individuals and Christian communities through faith – and the conviction that nothing can ever separate us from God – that the future is firmly embedded in his words of promise.

And that’s surely a great fit for a world deprived of good news!