South Grafton Men’s Bowls
Wednesday 6th July Men’s social bowls afternoon: After Tuesday’s washout of the women’s social morning’s bowls; the weather gods relented allowing our men to take advantage of the now blue skies and field five rinks. These included three games of Triples and two of Pairs and the results from the five matches were as follows:
Rink (1). D James, J Gaddy & G Mallison d K Cummins, J Mitchell & M Vanzino 30-18; Rink (2). M Andrews, G Taylor & L Bond d B Kenny J Flaherty & L Flaherty 21-15; Rink (3). M Revell, S Weber & B Kowal d T Latter, D Andrews & L Andrew 21-16; Rink (4). N Wilson & L Preston d P Gillespie & J Pye 19-18; Rink (5). W Powell & T Newsome d N Allen & K Fitzsimmons 17-13.
Winning Rink (5). W Powell, T Newsome. Lucky team: M Andrew, G Taylor, L Bond.
The resting toucher went to Kevin Fitzsimmons and the Jackpot was not won.
Friday, Men’s mixed barefoot bowls: A very pleasant afternoon, little wind to contend with and a Green running smooth and true. Four mixed games, rinks 2 to 5 for the social side of things incorperating one game of Pairs and three of Triples; whilst on Rink 1 another round of Club Mixed Triples championships was underway. All social games had been completed just before a rainstorm rolled through. Unfortunately for the Mixed Triples they still had three ends of their game to go; however rain or no rain they finished the match with the win going to:
Rink (1). K Fitzsimmons, D Fitzsimmons & L Preston defeating D Allison, M Revell & G Mallison 24-19.
Social matches:
Rink (2). J Axon & L Bond d M Bettison & A Bunn 18-9; Rink (3). T Latter, L Andrew & D Barker d B Kenny, J Flaherty & B Hayes 35-17; Rink (4). S Scott, R Pendergast & D McLachlan d A O’Brien, J Mitchell & L Perrett 22-16; Rink (5). D Davis, B Essex & D O’Brien (Yay Dennis) d K Davis, A Hayne & C Roger 19-16.
Winning Rink (2). J Axon, L Bond. Chook ends: No 8, D Davis & No 14, J Axon.
The resting toucher went to Anna Bunn and the Jackpot was not won
A lovely afternoon even allowing for the late rain.
Sunday morning mixed bowlo: With several of our members away at Red Rock Corindi competing in Red Rock Bowling Club’s Mixed Versatility Fives tournament: just two games were played at home this morning, one of Triples and one of Pairs. The Green was perhaps a little slow after the amount of rain it’s received over the past couple of nights but the morning was sunny and beautiful with very little wind to make a bowler’s life difficult. The results of the two matches were as follows:
Rink (1). Jim Thorpe, Lynn Betts & Sep Weber d Taz Cameron, Dennis O’Brien & Ron Holmes 16-6; Rink (2). Allison O’Brien & Cliff Roger d Barney Kenny & John Betts 23-11.
As always a good fun morning. All welcome just call the Club before 9 am Sunday and put your name in for a game.
D McLachlan