Clarence Valley writers are celebrating the announcement of the shortlist for the annual The Long Way Home writing competition.
Shortlist for 2019
Bruce W McPherson The Big Green Wave; Kylie Fennell Fantasy i-Land; Stephanie Haines The Recovery; Cathy Callaghan One Last Dream; Norm Mjadwesch Munro Neverland; Uncle Ron Heron Splitting the Storm; Gaye Sprenglewski Under the Sun; Sarah; McKenzie Island Girl, Unwritten; Karla Hubbard Single Scull; Gra Murdoch Bec; Robin Hosking Woodford; E.L Short Letters to the Editor.
The shortlisted stories will be published in ‘Stories from the Clarence Valley 2019.’
Long Way Home co-founder Erin Brady said The Long Way Home, now in its second year, was unearthing some exciting writing from the Clarence Valley.
‘Telling a story needs courage, imagination, and effort, and we take our hats off to the people who entered a story this year,’ she said. ‘The judges have finalised the top stories in the Open Section, having selected the top primary and high school student stories in July. It was a challenge to come up with a list of favourites, as so many stories moved us.’
The theme for this year’s competition was ‘To the Island,’ part of the 53 Islands Festival celebrating the Clarence River.
‘We were thrilled to see so many original takes on the theme,’ said Erin. ‘Islands mean different things to different people. We had stories about islands as an inner refuge. We had islands with secrets, a virtual island, and an island created by climate change. We loved the richness in people’s writing, with river and sea always present.
In 2019 The Long Way Home welcomed support from community-focused organisations who believe in The Long Way Home vision – to inspire, support and empower storytellers across the Clarence Valley. The Long Way Home gives thanks to the Yulgilbar Foundation, Bendigo Bank South Grafton Community Bank Branch, Westlawn Insurance Brokers, Byron Writers Festival and Clarence Valley Council.’
The winning story will be announced in October. The book, Stories from the Clarence Valley 2019, will be launched in November and will include stories by Clarence Valley primary and high school students.
These shortlisted stories will also be read live at Grafton Regional Gallery at Sunday Storytime sessions in October.
“It’ll be like an audio book, only better,’ Erin said.