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An artist’s impression of a development application for a $6.65 million 95 lot manufactured home estate on Rushforth Road, South Grafton. The DA is on exhibition with submissions from the public welcomed by Clarence Valley Council. Image: CVC

Rushforth Road 95 manufactured home estate

Rodney Stevens

A development application DA 2023/0711 for a $6.65 million 95 lot manufactured home estate at South Grafton is currently being assessed by Clarence Valley Council and submissions from the public are invited.

The DA lodged by John Codling is for the demolition of existing buildings at 252 to 298 Rushforth Road and construction of a 95 dwelling manufactured home estate, a community building, a 25m by 10m swimming pool, children’s play area, community gardens, recreation areas and community title subdivision.

The Statement of Environmental Effects SEE, lodged with the DA states the 95 home manufactured housing estate will take up 8.57 hectares of the 11.54-hectare property, with proposed residential sites varying from 282 square metres to 450 square metres.

The Manufactured Home estate will be located on the southern and eastern portions of the property, with the northern and western areas remaining unimpacted by construction.

“The proposed large community clubhouse, centrally located at the entrance to the development, will act as an indoor and outdoor meeting place for residents of the estate and their visitors,” the SEE states.

“The proposed dwelling sites and community facilities will be set in a landscaped environment supported by recreational facilities.”

The proposed estate will include about 20 RV/Caravan parking spaces within a 1312 square metre area near the centre of the estate, plus 25 visitor parking spaces spread throughout the estate including two disabled parking spaces.

The Flora and Fauna Assessment FFA lodged with the DA states the property contains habitat for Eastern Grey Kangaroos, the Laughing Kookaburra, the Grey Butcherbird, Galahs and Australian Magpies, but the property is not identified as containing potential or core Koala habitat as defined under the State Environmental Planning Policy.

The FAA recommends a Vegetation Management/Landscape plan, an Environmental Facility plan and a Construction Site Management Plan be implemented on the site to provide improved environmental, management and construction outcomes on the site.

The DA is on public exhibition until 4pm on January 29, 2024.

Submissions from the public are not confidential and considered public documents.

To lodge a submission click on the make a submission button on council’s website