Can you believe the weather is finally cooling, the body is beginning to want to function again, the birds are singing and Easter is almost upon us. The year is pushing on at a rapid rate. One election down and another not far behind it. Easter is only three weeks away and is closely followed by ANZAC Day, so we have a full calendar ahead, and of course we have special activities prepared for both occasions.
Our friendly resident Master Chef, Craig, has been most accommodating with our lunches. Several weeks ago we were asked, at his request, to nominate our favourite meals and return the list to him. Now we know why. Craig has begun working through that list and providing a menu to meet our suggestions. What more could you ask for? The last two Fridays’ meals have been outstanding, and I suspect we have many more surprises to come as he adapts the old favourites to commercial quantities. Thanks Craig, we really do appreciate your efforts.
It was another fun day last Friday as we laughed our way through the activities the Rummikub game is really taking off as partakers realise just how stimulating the game really is; initially it looks complicated, but I can assure you it is not that difficult. Do try it. We have all the patience in the world to ease you into the game.
I hope you are well and truly on the mend Pete. We are also hoping to see Maisie, Pat and Marcia back next week too. Mary, we trust you are also nearly ready to return after your surgery; we miss you smiling face and intelligent participation in the quiz. Keep well everyone and remember it is almost time for our flu shots.
Don’t forget the Easter raffle tickets are on sale now.
Information re Club ring Leanne Christie on 0413 101 518.
Sue Gunning