Community News

Osprey RSL Day Club

Thank you.

Thank you and thank you again to the U3a ‘Let’s All Sing Choir’. It was an hour of bliss as you took us back in time to when music was music. You invoked memories that had been tucked away for a very long time, and put a smile on every dial as they tapped and swayed. Yvonne, I wanted to jump up and strut down the avenue with you. It made me remember the performances we used to do with the marching team. Oh what fun we had. And let’s not forget Fay as she twirled her baton and strutted her energetic stuff to “We’re Happy Little Vegemites”. My goodness I said, “I’ll have what she’s having”! We just loved the show, and please come again.

Unfortunately we have had quite a few on the sick list the last two weeks and we hope that by next Friday you will all be firing on all cylinders. It is just difficult when the days are so warm and inviting, and the evenings so cold, that we let our guard down. Just up the vitamin C tablets, or enjoy lots of lemon and honey drinks.

I am making the most of the lovely days over the long weekend and tending my garden; pulling it apart, and shovelling and spreading 2 cubic metres of tea-tree mulch, so there’s a fair chance I wont be conducting the exercise class on Friday! But don’t get too excited at the prospect because I have done 2 days of it and I am still standing. The scotch at the end of the day seems to help.

It was sad to say goodbye to Lyn O who has moved on to greener pastures with her family. We wish her well a she embarks on this adventure. I hope you didn’t just go because I am such a lousy Euchre player. We will miss you.

Nigel’s quiz absolutely stumped me…… and my companions on the table. I think we got 3 right out of 15 questions! Where does he get these questions? Next week I am going to Google the answers. If I knew how to use AI (Artificial Intelligence) I’d even give that a shot.

  1. The raffles were as follows, and I didn’t score a mention there either.

Paul got the Sweet ‘n’ Savoury; there was a Free Day for Judy, and a $20 voucher for Lyn O. David M scored the Pick-a-Box.

Before I go, I just want to mention Leanne’s phone number which is 0413 101 518.

If there is anything you would like to know about the club, please ring Leanne and she will give you all the details.

That’s all folks.

Sue Gunning