Community News

Maclean VIEW Club

A happy New Year to all our members.

The first meeting for 2019, will be held on Thursday February 21 at the Maclean Bowling Club, starting at 10am with morning tea. I’m sure everyone is looking forward to another busy year.

The agenda will be… a fun and friendship year, planning for fundraising.

Thanks to our members, Maclean VIEW Club is proud to be sponsoring six Australian children, in a ‘Learning for

Life’ education programme.

This month is the Annual General Meeting and all positions will be declared vacant; we encourage members to apply for a position or assist wherever possible. Zone Councillor Elizabeth Birch, will be presiding over the meeting.

Reminder: International Women’s Day will be held at Yamba Bowling Club on Friday March 8.

The day starts at 9am with morning tea at a cost of $30. Could members please have payment at the February meeting as numbers are needed for catering purposes.

Subs are also due at the February meeting $20 and ladies wishing to join our friendly club will be made very welcome.

Apologies for the February meeting to be made with Denise Hope on 0439 414 796, as well as any dietary requirements.

Sylvia Callaghan