Local News

Members of CVCon, fortunate to have had the opportunity to attend a workshop with the London Symphony Orchestra. Image: contributed

Local musicians learning from the best

Three talented students from the Clarence Valley this month participated in an exciting workshop with the London Symphony Orchestra as part of the Regional Youth Orchestra NSW.

The workshop, which took place at the Sydney Opera House, gave the students the opportunity to learn from some of the world’s finest musicians and gain valuable experience playing alongside world class musicians.

The three students – Ethan Moore, Casey Palmer and Oscar Woods – are member of the 45 player Regional Youth Orchestra NSW, a part of the Association of NSW Regional Conservatorium.

During the workshop, the students joined members of the Sydney Youth Orchestra and worked closely with members of the London Symphony Orchestra, learning about orchestral performance and gaining valuable insights into the world of professional music. They also had the opportunity to attend LSO concerts, having a bird’s eye view in the choir stalls. The workshop culminated with a concert performance on the Concert Hall stage, with members of RYO NSW, Sydney Youth Orchestra and London Symphony Orchestra performing as one.

“We are thrilled to have these talented young musicians represent the Regional Youth Orchestra NSW in this exciting opportunity,” said the CVCon Director, Adam Wills. “We have no doubt that Ethan, Casey, and Oscar made the most of this experience and have returned home inspired and enriched by the knowledge and expertise they have gained.”

The Regional Youth Orchestra NSW is a non-profit organisation that provides talented young musicians with opportunities to develop their skills and perform at a high level. Through workshops, concerts, and other events, the orchestra helps to cultivate a love of music and encourage the next generation of musicians.

For more information about the Regional Youth Orchestra NSW, please visit their website at  https://www.regionalconsnsw.org.au/