Northern NSW Local Health District (NNSWLHD) is encouraging community members looking to kickstart their health journey this spring to get in touch with the Get Healthy Service personalised coaching.
The Get Healthy Service is a free phone and on-line customised coaching program for anyone who lives in NSW and is over 16 who wants to eat healthy, get active, reduce their alcohol intake or to reach and stay a healthy weight.
The CSIRO Healthy Diet Score surveyed more than 235,000 Australian adults over eight years and found only 35 per cent of the population is eating enough vegetables and that alcohol, takeaway food, and confectionary dominate diets.
This is supported by NSW population data which shows that only one in 20 adults and children are eating enough vegetables.

In addition, one in three adults are not active enough and nearly three in five children are sedentary.
NNSWLHD Acting Director Integrated Care and Allied Health Services, Kathryn Watson, said the Get Healthy Service supports people to transition to a healthier lifestyle on their terms, from the comfort of their own home.
When people join the Get Healthy Service, they access their own university-qualified health coach, with up to six or more regular confidential coaching calls at a time that suits them, information about their personal health concerns, and support to keep them on track to achieve their goals and overcome barriers,” Ms Watson said. “We want people to know that the Get Healthy Service is here to help them on their health journey.”
Get Healthy Service coaches can provide tips to boost fruit and vegetable intake, including solutions to potential barriers like accessibility and affordability. “Some ideas might involve buying the best priced fresh fruit and vegetables, seeking out specials, and exploring frozen and canned budget- friendly options.”
The Get Healthy Service is available in languages other than English.
Free interpreter services are also available. “Adopting a healthier lifestyle today increases our wellbeing and helps prevent heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and some cancers,” Ms Watson said.
“Calling Get Healthy Service today may save you a trip to the hospital down the track.”
To join Get Healthy Service, call 1300 806 258 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, or register online at