From the Newsroom

The Yamba Chamber of Commerce and Clarence Valley Council have devised the Hot Rod Trail for the 2023 Borderline Street Rodders annual Yamba Rod Run this weekend to promote businesses around the town and encourage both Hot Rodders and locals to visit at least five businesses to go in the draw for more than $2000 in prizes. Image: contributed

Join the Yamba 2023 Hot Rod Trail

Rodney Stevens


In an innovative initiative to boost business, created by the Yamba Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Clarence Valley Council, both Hot Rodders and the public are invited to participate in the inaugural Hot Rod Trail this weekend with more than $2000 in prizes to be won.

Due to the large number of Hot Rods coming for this weekend’s annual Borderline Street Rodders event, there are too many cars to hold Saturdays traditional “show and shine” in the Yamba CBD, so the Yamba Chamber of Commerce conceived the Hot Rod Trail to increase business all around town.

Yamba Distilling owner and Yamba Chamber Vice-President Alison Sloley said chamber members got together with council to devise a way to entice the Hot Rodders and the people visiting Yamba to see the Hot Rods to visit businesses in different areas of the town, at Treelands Drive, up on the hill, in the CBD, and the industrial estate, and they came up with the Hot Rod Trail.

“We thought a map, getting people to drive around town hopefully in their hot rods, where they have to visit a minimum of five businesses and each business will have its own unique stamp and once their map gets stamped at least five times they can put it in drop off boxes at some of the businesses to go in Saturday’s huge prize draw,” she said.

“All of the Hot Rodders will get a Hot Rod Trail map as part of their welcome pack and members of the public can get their map from any of the participating businesses (listed below).

“Clarence Valley Council have been very supportive of the Hot Rod Trail because they can’t close the streets off in the CBD as there are too many cars.

“We are going to be at Ford Park at 10am on Saturday November 11 for a big prize draw, with over $2000 worth of prizes and more than 30 prizes to be drawn.”

Alison said the Chamber received great support from 30 businesses involved in the Hot Rod Trail (listed below) and they hope the businesses involved benefit from increased patronage.

“Yamba Shores Tavern have donated a $250 gift card, Seabreeze Motors have also donated a voucher for $250 worth of work and the Wobbly Chook have donated four $50 vouchers, so there’s some amazing prizes available to be won,” she said.