Grafton Senior Citizens recently held April general meeting, with an attendance of 74 members and 19 apologies.
Guest speakers, Sue Hughes from Our Healthy Clarence, & Samantha Osborne from Rural Adversity Mental Health Program (RAMP), spoke about the work they are doing co-ordinating training for mental health.
Birthday wishes to those celebrating during month and best wishes to anyone on sick list.
Welcome three new members, Frances Wratten, Diana McLean and Peter Hoffman.
General business included latest NSW & North Coast seniors papers available; most memberships have now been paid; meeting day lunches, just $3, need more support, as do weekly activities which are the basis of the group.
With millions lost to scammers each year, members reminded to be on guard, with following the scams prevalent at present: pertaining to be from the do not call register, NAB, NBN, Westpac for Christchurch appeal, tax office, courier for parcel delivery, door knock for RFS donations.
Members are encouraged to respond to letters from providers regarding the NBN by discussing with those providers, but ignore phone calls pertaining to be from NBN.
Our next newsletter is being prepared and will be ready for distribution at May meeting.
A successful day trip to The Farm, Byron Bay was recently held. A day trip to Stuarts Point and Scotts Head on Friday May 31 still has spare seats. Tickets for a day trip to a mystery venue in late June have just gone on sale. Other trips for 2019 are also being planned and will be put on sale progressively.
Our 7 day tour to Lake Macquarie area from August 16 has been finalised, but reserves will be noted.
Tickets for a soup day, with games and trivia on May 13 are on sale, with room for more bookings.
New members over 50 are welcome. Enquiries or bookings on trips or special activities can be made at meetings, or any Thursday morning at our Seniors room, Kensei Lounge, Racecourse in Powell Street or with publicity officer Sandra on 6642 7720.
Easter competition winners: P. Kelly; B. Ling; J. Blanchard; F. Wratten; M. Austen; B. Doggett; L. Foley.
Regular meeting competition winners: D. McLean; B. Sanders; J. Jones; P. Duroux; K. Martin; R. Watkins; F. Wratten.
The next general meeting is Tuesday May 14 starting at 10.30am with Teresa Kelly and Gerard Dunlop from Fair Trading, invited to be guest speakers.
Sandra Connelly