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Grafton Rifle Club 30m Rimfire
Despite the gloomy outlook on Saturday morning a strong field of 34 shooters lined up for the 30m rimfire event.
Despite some shooters having a less than perfect shoot there were some exceptions with full-bore, semi-convert Dave Grundy backing up after last week dominating every discipline he shot, to win his first glass as a B Grader. Another Young shooter who is showing great form is Kane Rose, who after dominating C Grade in the recent national championships and is the current national C Grade champion showed on Sat that he has his eyes on A Grade with a very nice 97(with 10) off the rifle, well done Kane and I’m sure the handicapper will be watching you closely.
Top off rifle was very close and after a countback the winner was Greg Mills-Thom 97(with 11), Kane Rose 97 (with 10) and Liza Georgelin 97 (with 9).
Seven possibles were shot on the day with Kane Rose and Nick Abrahall shooting two apiece and Dave Grundy, Liza Georgelin and Mort managing one each.
A Grade aggregate scores… Liza Georgelin 100, Nick Abrahall 97.2, Mark Geary 99.6, Luke Bloomer 90.8, Andrew Geary 93.4, Peter Tyrie 94.2, Rob Durrington 82.2.
B Grade agg…. Dave Grundy 100, Jen Power-Geary 82.9, Chris mckenzie 90.8, Alan Edwards 86.6.
C Grade agg…. Kane Rose 100, Nick Scroop 100, Simon Smith 100, Meaghan Mckenzie 100, Lindsay Cole 88.4, Ross Austen 65.2, Scott Murdoch 100, Warren Cockbain 100, Sandra Cockbain 71.8, Vern Mackay 76.4, Bruce Tom 100, Phil Cross 95.2, Charlie knight 84.4, Jon lavery 88, Eli Grundy 100, John Grebert 85.4.
Visiting shooters, no handicap …Christian Pearson 72, Peter Clarke 80, Logan White 59, David Lardner 70, John Coffson 70, Paul Richards 68.
Members are reminded that our Annual AGM is on Wednesday December 9 at 7.30pm at Vines Restaurant Grafton. All current members are encouraged to attend and have a say in the running of our club.
Also, the club renovations are really starting to roll now with the new slab poured last week and hopefully the interior will be painted this week, so a huge thanks to all those members who have contributed towards this. Also a huge thanks to Matt Bloomer for his work on Saturday morning to complete the upgrade on the septic system which was well overdue but is done now and will be good for years to come, cheers big fella.
Next week will be Field-class from 200 yards followed by Benchrest then the afternoon shoot at 1pm will be from the 500 yard mound.
New shooters and visitors are welcome with sign-on starting from 8.30am with shooting starting at 9am. Follow us on Facebook for all the latest news and pics.