At the monthly meeting held on Friday August 9 there were 14 members in attendance.
The month of September will be a very busy month for our CWA ladies; as from September 1 until the 7 is CWA ‘Awareness Week’.
This year we will have a display in the window of ‘Eyecare Plus’ at 58 Prince Street, with handicraft articles, knitted, crochet, and embroidery and beautiful patchwork quilting by our handicraft group. Also, on display will be international books and publicity books produced by our past and current officers. There will also be a listing of other organisations which CWA ladies are involved in.
On Friday September 6, Grafton CWA branch will be holding a BBQ and cake stall in ‘Bunnings’ car park. All monies raised on the day on the sale of food and raffle tickets will go directly to the CWA ‘Association Disaster Drought Relief Fund’ in NSW. These monies are available for farmers who are dependent on farming as their primary source of income. These grants are available to help meet household expenses including: food, pharmacy, vehicle maintenance, school expenses, utilities, rates, phone and internet expenses, dental and medical expenses.
Unfortunately, the drought still has farmers struggling to meet the cost of feed, and water supply is very low or totally run dry.
Please support us with this money raising event as our farmers need our assistance.
Our next meeting will be held on Friday September 13 at our Duke Street rooms. Also, on Friday 13 we will be holding our annual “Tarts” day. This is a fund-raising event for medical research of endometriosis. Sister Roslyn Hollis will be our guest speaker from the community nurses.
We will be holding raffles, and tombola on the day and a lovely afternoon tea will be served to our guests.
Handicraft mornings are held on the 2nd and 4th Monday at 9.30am. Any ladies wishing to join us will be made most welcome.
Carol Smith