Community News

 Grafton and District Garden Club

“Connecting people with an interest in gardening, plants, flowers and nature.”     

We are looking forward to catching up with everyone at our first meeting for 2024. This will be Thursday February 1, 10am to midday at the Joan Muir Centre. 194 Turf Street, Grafton. $2 entry at the door, bring some morning tea to share if you are able. Visitors are free for their first meeting so come along if you would like to.

Our member Ross will be our guest speaker and sharing his thoughts and ideas on gardens.

Bring along any cuttings, produce or potted plants to donate to the ‘Bring and Buy’ table. This is a good fundraiser for us as all proceeds go to the club. Label them if you can and include your name and the name of the plant so people know who to chat to if they need growing tips etc.

Don’t forget your name badge and pop your mobile on silent during the meeting please.

Jane Rhodes