From the Newsroom

GBH redevelopment escapes Labor Budget axe

The $263.8 million Grafton Base Hospital (GBH) redevelopment is set to proceed after NSW Treasurer, the Honourable Daniel Mookhey, handed down the 2023-24 State Budget on September 19.

While over $1 million has already been spent on early planning with the appointment of the specialist project team (Mace Projects as the Project Manager, Woods Bagot & HDR as the Architect, and Altus Group as the Cost Manager), and the development of the Clinical Services Plan, a further $8.324 million has been allocated in the State Budget for continued planning including the master plan, detailed design, approvals, the business case, and community consultation, which readies the site for major construction. 

The Budget Papers indicate expenditure over $243.5 million over four years to 2026-27.

While he has continued working cooperatively with the Labor Government and lobbied hard for the key project to escape spending cuts in Regional NSW, Member for Clarence Richie Williamson released a statement last week in response to the State Budget, citing there was “a real risk of a backflip after the Labor administration had said that all of the previous Government’s projects were under review.”

Mr Williamson said the Budget Papers appeared to confirm the timetable set out by the previous Government, but added he would have to watch proceedings closely to ensure there are no delays.

In his statement, the Member for Clarence said community consultation is vital in order to get the best possible hospital for the health needs of the local community.

“All Clarence residents are stakeholders in this critical project for a healthy local future, and all deserve to have their say,” he concluded.

Further information about the project is available on the NSW Health Infrastructure web site at

  • Following the handing down of the 2023-24 State Budget and the release of Mr Williamson’s statement, the Clarence Valley Independent contacted the Grafton Base Hospital Community Committee (GBHCC) for comment. Their response will be published next week in our October 4 edition.