Clarence Valley Council has been successful in obtaining two NSW Government grants to assist in koala conservation in the region:
- $200,000 for LGA Koala Habitat Mapping and Population Survey: This funding has been received in addition to $100,000 received in May 2022 to develop koala habitat maps across land between Mororo, Lawrence and Banyabba. The additional funding enables other high priority areas to be included in the original project. The maps will assist in avoiding incremental impacts, such as loss of important habitat linkages, on koala population decline. It supports the NSW Government’s commitment to double the state’s koala population by 2050.
- $100,000 for Koala Vehicle Strike Funding Package: This project contributes to achieving Council’s high priority Natural Resource Management Operational Plan action to adopt traffic management that reduces threat of fauna/road kill from vehicles in identified ‘black spots’ and key corridor areas.
Both grants are part of the NSW Department of Planning and Environment NSW Koala Strategy Grant program.
Source: CVC Communications