Community News

Fibromyalgia Support Group

My goodness the year is drawing to a close already! Have you been Naughty or have you been Nice?

It was very nice to meet three new ladies at our last meeting. It is always nice when the group can welcome new members, their relatives, friends or carers. Many people have questions regarding fibromyalgia, and the support group is very well equipped to offer advice and answer any questions as best they can.

Our Christmas party will be held on Wednesday December 15 at 11.30am at the G.D.S.C. where we can all enjoy whatever meal we purchase from either the bistro or the cafe.

Instead of presents we prefer, if you are able, that you donate $5 to the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service. This service provides emergency aeromedical services including search, rescue and inter-hospital transfers to those in need.

Please come along and celebrate the closing of this year and hope for the next. I am sure we are all on the same page when it comes to wishing 2022 be an easier year all around, for all of us. 

If you have any further inquiries please contact Coleen on 0428 228 134 or Deborah on 0434 031 295.