Local News

Fibromyalgia Support Group

My goodness, the year is quickly drawing to a close. What a weird weather year we have had, it certainly pays to keep an umbrella in your car.

Our last meeting for this year will be held on Wednesday November 16 at 10am at the Grafton District Services Club. I say the last meeting as our Christmas party is in December.

With the ups and downs for people throughout the year, we have had established members unable to make it due to ill health, or prior commitments, as well welcoming some new members.

Be it a big meeting or only a small attendance, there is always something to be gained.

Fellowship has its own rewards, coming together to see each other tends to bring out a smile even when you are unwell or feeling down. Sharing your achievements of the prior month or commiserating about your difficulties can be a very uplifting experience. It is not always easy for some people to share, and that is fine, sometimes you just want to sit and listen. Whatever you prefer I urge you to come along and join us. If you, someone you know, or care for suffers from Fibromyalgia joining our support group is most certainly a step in the right direction. Fibromyalgia can take so much away, in many ways, joining fellow sufferers once a month can give you back some semblance of control.

If you any further inquiries, please contact Coleen Flyn on 0428 228 134 or Deborah O’Driscoll on 0434 031 295.

Deborah O’Driscoll