Local News

Ferry Park Gallery Phyllis Austin Award

The Phyllis Austin Perpetual Memorial Trophy is awarded annually to a member of the association for an exhibit of outstanding quality and creativity.

This year, 12 members put their best work forward for judging by Grafton Regional Gallery Director, Niomi Sands.

Winner was Suzanne Monin’s collage “Tokyo Moon” with Highly Commended going to Jacqui McLeod for her exquisite textile art “Ocean Touch” and Alan Bishop with his whimsical “Librarian Bird” in jacaranda wood.

On show now at Ferry Park Gallery.

Lower Clarence Arts and Crafts Association Inc (LCACA) is a not for profit community organisation promoting and showcasing artisans of the Clarence Valley. LCACA opened Ferry Park Gallery in 1993 for members to display and sell their work.  LCACA welcome new members to join us as an exhibitor or volunteer to work in our gallery. Ferry Park Gallery is on Big River Way, and easily accessed from the Maclean Interchange on the Pacific Motorway. The Gallery has a COVID Safety Plan and is managed by our members and open 7 days from 9am – 4pm. For more details. Phone: 6645 3700 Email: info@ferrypark.net Web: www.ferrypark.net Socials: Facebook and Instagram.

Di Nixon