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Bronwyn Finlayson is pictured with the volunteers at the Maclean DFG cutting, sewing and packing day, last Friday. Image: Lynne Mowbray

Days for Girls

Lynne Mowbray |

Over the last six years, a group of dedicated volunteers in Maclean have been putting together special feminine packs to assist women and girls in third world countries.

‘Days for Girls’ (DFG) volunteers provide these packs, (which include reusable and washable sanitary items) to girls and women, who don’t have access to these basic feminine sanitary items.

So far the volunteers in Maclean have averaged 300 packs per year which contain: a small soap, a face washer, two pairs of undies, a sanitary shield and several handmade, washable, sanitary pads.

Former Maclean local Bronwyn Finlayson, who resides and works in Vietnam (for the last eight years) was guest speaker at the Maclean ‘Days for Girls’ cutting, sewing and packing day last Friday, at the Maclean Anglican Church rooms.

Bronwyn, who is a trained nurse, shared with the ladies the impact that these packs have on women from remote villages in Vietnam where she visits for work.

Bronwyn said that she takes as many of these packs as she can with her to distribute to the poor and needy.

“Most of these women who live in these remote villages are hard pressed and really live a hard life,” Bronwyn said.

“I sit with them and show them how to use them and you can see them latch on and see their big smiles – they are just so happy to receive one of these packs.

“I return to Maclean about three times a year and each time I squash as many packs as I can into my bag, to take back with me.

“Unfortunately, I’m limited to only 40 kilos of luggage and can only take about 40 packs back with me each time I return to Vietnam.

“I wish I could take more; I could distribute hundreds more of these packs,” she said.

DFG Maclean co-ordinator Muriel Harris said that each pack costs between $10- $12 approximately to produce, by the volunteers.

“Bronwyn is not the only person we supply with these packs,” Ms Harris said.

“Together with packs made by other volunteer DFG groups, our packs are shipped to all the third world countries through the Days for Girls Australia organisation,” she said.

For more information contact Muriel Harris:  6646 4107 or go to or find them on Facebook – Days for Girls Australia