(l-r) NSW day club coordinator Tom Barnsley, Osprey Club coordinator Judy Patterson, All Seasons Club coordinator Max Tavener and local area coordinator Bev Daly (Osprey). Image: Geoff Helisma
(l-r) NSW day club coordinator Tom Barnsley, Osprey Club coordinator Judy Patterson, All Seasons Club coordinator Max Tavener and local area coordinator Bev Daly (Osprey). Image: Geoff Helisma
Members of the All Seasons day club from Armidale made their annual journey to Yamba last Friday, where they enjoyed a day of entertainment and catching up at the Osprey day club’s weekly gathering at the Church Street RSL hall.
Tom Barnsley, coordinator of 70 day clubs around the state, said the clubs are an important part of many older people’s lives.
“They look after people who are lonely, isolated or live on their own,” he said.
“It’s a shared venture between RSL NSW and The Department of Veterans Affairs.
“Day clubs are open to all of the community, plus ex service people, from about 60-year-olds onwards.
“Volunteers can be any age.”
Max Taverna, the All Seasons day club’s coordinator, said that his members had made friendships during previous visits.
Yamba’s Osprey day club has 45 members, who meet each Friday.
Contact coordinator Judy Patterson on 0458 780 531 for more information.