Community News

Clarence River U3A

Save the date: January 21 is the Clarence River U3A ‘Sign On Day’ and will take place at Treelands Drive Community Centre in Yamba (floods, fires and covid permitting).

If you’re new to town (or an old local) who’d like to meet others with similar interests to learn a new skill, or exercise your body, voice or mind, in a fun, friendly and relaxed environment, then there’s a course for you.

To see a list of activities that were enjoyed in 2022 or to learn more about the U3A, our web page is or just come along on the day, when we hope to present a mini expo of courses you can join.

For photos of antics and activities follow us on Facebook at CLARENCE RIVER U3A.

We’d like to wish all our members, old and new, a very Happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you again in the New Year.

Anita Neville