Community News

Chatsworth Island CWA

Chatsworth Island CWA committee was elected at the recent annual meeting.

President – Val Wright; Vice President – Joan Leeson; Secretary – Anna Bransdon; Assistant Secretary – Denise Ball; Treasurer – Marion White; Assistant Treasurer – Denise Ball.

After a relatively quiet two years we are looking forward to busier time in 2023. We are proceeding with plans to hold our popular cent auction next year once again.

Branch meetings are held in the Chatsworth Hall on the first Wednesday each month. Anyone interested will be welcome to come along for a cuppa and a chat and take part in the craft activity on the day. Our next meeting will be held on December 7, as this is the date of our Christmas lunch, at the Maclean Hotel, we will have a short meeting prior. Anyone wishing to join us there, please call Anna on 0408 344 496.

Joan Leeson