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Call to business: Enter your Jaca Queen
The Jacaranda Festival is calling for businesses to sponsor Jacaranda Queen candidates.
The festival committee is encouraging Clarence businesses to put forward a female employee aged between 18 and 29 to become a Queen candidate for this year’s festival, held October 28 to November 5.
Festival manager Donna Hunt said there were numerous benefits for a business to enter a Jacaranda Queen candidate, including: It’s a low-cost marketing campaign continuing for six months; raises local business profile by giving back to the community; puts your brand at the top of the community’s mind, showcasing the products or services you offer; and results in an increase in sales due to exposure.
“If you have the ideal candidate in mind that wants to learn basic business skills that can be taken back to your workplace, meet new people and make life-long friends, gain confidence and speak on a public platform with poise – then we have the program for you,” Ms Hunt said.
“Be quick though. Our Queen candidate program has changed and places are now strictly limited. Group fundraising has already been booked to ensure candidates time is kept to a minimum.”
To register your interest, contact Ms Hunt on 6642 3959.