
But so bare of trees


My husband and I had the pleasure of holidaying for a week at Evan’s Head in November last year in between COVID lockdowns.

We were amazed at how many covered picnic areas, BBQs, and well-treed green public spaces there are in Evan’s Head. Why isn’t Yamba like this? Yamba is a lovely spot, but so bare of trees. We need more trees for many reasons – climate, cooling of the environment and creating more pleasurable spots for people to enjoy.

Pilot hill, the grounds around the water tower, Pippi Beach and parts of Ford Park are just a few areas that could do with trees and covered picnic tables. Street trees would be much appreciated too. Yamba Road for example is so hot and bare. There are many appropriate trees that could be used, that would not interfere with overhead power lines and require no maintenance once established.


Annabelle Fitzgerald, Yamba