Last Sunday we joined the Orara Park Golfers in a challenge match at Orara Park (Coutts Crossing).
We were evenly matched with sixteen players a side in a 2-person Ambrose event. This was the third challenge match between our clubs, with the score even after the first two matches.
Thanks to the sterling effort by Rodney Want and Zac Page with a one under par 33, Brushgrove won the day. Like our previous matches the overall score was close at 33.3 to 34.6.
After the game we all enjoyed a delicious sausage sizzle. Thank you to the cooks. We always have a great day playing with the Orara Park Golfers and look forward to our next challenge match.
Welcome to our visitors on the day; Joel Nelson and Sturt Blemmings.
Our next game will be at Grafton on September 10. Further information in a future email.
Peter Jones