Summer at Brooms Head. Image: Contributed.
When users and others with an interest in the Brooms Head Holiday Park were asked for their thoughts on the park’s future they came back with one clear message; they loved it as it was and did not want the park’s laidback feel to change.
A report on the future of the park, which included these views, was put before a meeting of the Clarence Coast Reserve Trust, on Tuesday in Maclean.
The Clarence Coast Reserve Trust is comprised of councillors on the Clarence Valley Council. When considering Trust issues, councillors meet as the Clarence Coast Reserve Trust.
Council’s works and civil director, Troy Anderson, said it was clear from submissions there was a fear Brooms Head would be turned into something similar to a large commercial park.
“It was never the Trust’s intention to change the natural character of the Brooms Head Holiday Park, but many people did not agree with the number and locations of cabins proposed in the draft plans, nor in a proposed reduction in beach access,” he said.
“We’ve taken note of that feedback and the Trust will consider a report on Tuesday that recommends the results of that consultation be used as a basis for developing a new concept plan.”
Mr Anderson said the level of interest in the future of the park was such that the Trust decided to keep the draft plans open for comment for two months, including over the busy summer holidays when the park was full.
“Two hundred and six online surveys were completed, 67 submissions and one petition containing 930 names were received,” he said.
“A significant proportion of the upgrade is to address non-compliance issues currently existing at the park while providing a more functional layout with improved amenities and community facilities.
“Many respondents acknowledged this and all agreed that the amenities needed upgrading.”
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