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Barilaro to front Iluka ambulance advocates
Geoff Helisma |
Clarence MP Chris Gulaptis has made good on providing an opportunity for members and supporters of the Iluka Ambulance Action Group (IAAG) to put their concerns directly his Nationals leader, Deputy Premier John Barilaro.
The meeting will be held at the Iluka Bowling Club at 9am on November 9.
Speaking on behalf of IAAG, John Mclean said it was an “opportunity to get the message across that [the Iluka community] will accept nothing less than an ambulance station staffed by fully qualified paramedics”.
“We need as many people there as possible, to show that the community is serious and we will not let up.”
Mr Gulaptis tabled IAAG’s 11,000-signature petition in the NSW Parliament earlier this year.
The Australian Paramedic Association NSW also supports IAAG’s campaign.