From the Newsroom

The 2023 Copmanhurst and District Anzac Day Service welcomed a substantial number of attendees on April 25. Image: Ross Pritchard

Anzac Day spirit shines in Copmanhurst

Emma Pritchard


Upper Clarence residents stood proudly alongside one another on April 25 during the 2023 Copmanhurst and District Anzac Day Service, to pay tribute to the fallen, and forever keep their spirits, memories, and legacy alive.

Despite a dubious forecast, the sun shone brightly as Copmanhurst Public School Captains Cooper Gaddes and Olivia Fahey delivered the Anzac Day Address, and Janette Seymour read the Prayer for Peace.

Community members and ex-service organisation representatives dutifully placed wreaths at the base of the cenotaph next to the Copmanhurst War Memorial Hall before Lacey Fahey and Wroxton Fahey read the Ode of Remembrance.

As the crowd turned and faced the west while The Last Post sounded, families and friends bowed their heads and observed one minute’s silence before turning and facing the east while Reveille played.

Following the service, several locals agreed it was one of the best attended Anzac Day events in recent years.

Lest we forget.