
Does our treated effluent go into the Clarence?

The question I am posing after numerous conversations with residents in Grafton, is to the Clarence Valley Council, the Mayor and Councillors.
Clarence Valley Council apparently, according to many sources, pumps treated effluent into to our beautiful Clarence River from their Grafton treatment works.
The Environmental Protection Authority has granted them permission to do this at a cost to the Residents through their rates. What is the real cost of this service per annum paid by the Council, at the Clarence Valley Residents expense?
Is there any survey of effect on the river, environment, and fish stocks in the river around the outlet to the river. If so, who conducts these surveys and are there any releases of information to the public regarding levels of contamination’s in the river.
With so many of our Councillors, reporting that they are ‘Green’, how is it that they are allowing the outflow into the river creating possible contamination of our most precious asset.
At Maclean and Yamba, Council is providing this treated effluent to the Golf Courses at these locations for a nominal cost to the Golf Clubs in a ‘WIN / WIN’ situation for all parties thus avoiding the situation that is being questioned by residents in Grafton.

Graeme Smith, South Grafton