Rodney Stevens
A development application DA 2020/0729 for a $17 million 86 lot subdivision, shopping complex and tavern on Brooms Head Road at Gulmarrad has been approved by Clarence Valley Council.
When the proposed 12.17-hectare development by Newton Denny Chapelle on behalf of Allycass Developments Pty Ltd on the corner of Sheehans Lane and Brooms Head Road was placed on public exhibition on two occasions, Clarence Valley Council CVC received 31 submissions about the proposal.
Concerns raised in submissions included the impacts to the environment, amenity, the suitability of the development and inadequate services being available.
At the December 19 Clarence Valley Council meeting, Cr Karen Toms moved a motion which was seconded by Cr Bill Day that council:
- Support a variation to Clause F2 Number of Car Parking Spaces of the Business Zones Development Control Plan 2011 to accept a shortfall of 114 car spaces.
- Approve Development Application DA2020/0729 subject to the draft Advices and Conditions contained in Attachment I, and replace Condition 76 as follows: Prior to the issue of any Construction Certificate, parking area plans shall be submitted detailing:
- a) The adequacy of parking, car parks, driveways and vehicular accesses for the development is to be demonstrated by the submission of standard scale plans with manoeuvring paths shown in accordance with AS2890. This must clearly demonstrate that the parking area will function as intended.
- b) Provision of suitable power supply to be provided to a minimum of six (6) car parking spaces to enable future dedicated Electric Vehicle (EV) parking and recharging.
- c) Provision of required accessible parking spaces to service the development are to be located to provide access to all destinations of the development including the open space, pub, and retail premises.
- d) Provision of a minimum of three (3) long vehicle parking spaces be provided on-street adjacent to Commercial Lot 85 to accommodate an anticipated demand for trailer and caravan parking. The spaces should be in accordance with AS 2890:2020 Parking Facilities.
On-street parking and should provide safe pedestrian access to the development. The parking area plans are to be submitted and approved by Council.
Cr Ian Tiley then asked Director Adam Cameron whether the inclusion of the provision of power and parking to enable electric vehicle charging was supported by council staff, to which he replied yes.
Chair of council’s access committee, Cr Toms said the committee spent a considerable amount of time ensuring equitable access for everybody, which the motion ensures.
Cr Day said there were many positives about the DA, it is a flood free site, no fill is required, the land isn’t suitable for farming, it is surrounded by rural residential developments and an over 55 village will be built adjacent.
“Where is there a more suitable place for it,” Cr Day questioned.
Speaking against the motion, Cr Greg Clancy said a shortfall of 114 carparks was a big issue, plus there were issues raised in submissions about stormwater management on the eastern side of the site that could cause flooding on Brooms Head Road, and he was concerned the biodiversity of the site would be impacted.
The motion to approve the DA was carried eight votes to one, with Cr Clancy voting against.