Lynne Mowbray
The Yamba Chamber of Commerce held its first breakfast meeting on Wednesday last week, at the Yamba Backpackers cafe.
Guest speakers at the breakfast were Clarence Valley Council Economic Development Coordinator Liz Fairweather, North Coast TAFE community and business engagement leader Tania Williams and Robin Croft from NORTEC.
Yamba Chamber president Debbie McCredie said the she was happy with the Chambers first breakfast meeting.
“Around 35 people attended our first breakfast meeting and we are hoping we can build on that,” Ms McCredie said.
“The feedback from the event was positive with most people enjoying the networking aspect, at the end of the meeting.
“The next breakfast is planned for Wednesday, November 15 starting at 7am, with guest speakers from Northern Pathways – the consortium behind the new correctional facilities; we are just waiting on confirmation from them.
“We’d like to encourage others to come along to the next meeting and all details will be posted on our Facebook page,” she said.