I was unaware of how a Voice to Parliament would be implemented and have read as much as I can find on the question of the referendum and now have a better understanding.
The terms of reference, size, mode of election for the Voice will be determined by the parliament not by the prime minister. This does make it fairly clear why as yet we have not been given details of how it would be implemented.
Since the Albanese government does not have a majority in both houses of parliament, the composition and function of the Voice will require negotiation and compromise, in which Mr Dutton and members who are advocating a ‘No’ vote will be able play a constructive role in the make up, size, mode of election and terms of reference for the Voice to Parliament. This includes our Federal Member Kevin Hogan who recently claimed he is concerned about who is on the Voice and how they are chosen to be on the Voice etc.
Hopefully as the next few weeks go by, we will gain more of any understanding of this process and less vitriol and negativity on such an important question.
Annie Dorrian, Iluka