Thursday jackpot bowls is on this Thursday October 21 weather permitting, the jackpot stands at $300 and the free games go to I Reid and P Wilkie. A reminder you must be double vaccinated to enter the Club.
Just an update on our bowls for the rest of the year; the President Singles has been cancelled for 2021, due mainly to Covid restrictions but we will have social bowls on Saturday afternoon’s for those who can play, sheets will on the notice board each week.
The bowls trip to Kingscliff is still going ahead at this stage, dates are November 26-28, you will have to be double vax to go, travel on Friday and bowls on Saturday afternoon at Pottsville, with bowls Sunday morning at Cudgen, monies can be paid to John Fisher. Yours truly, Janette and David Blair are looking for a challenge match for this Saturday, check the notice board. Social bowls will be mufti with a club or supporters shirt.
Garry Ireland