From the Newsroom

Park Ave Homeland site

Park Ave Yamba DA’s third time before planning panel

Rodney Stevens


The Northern Region Planning Panel will consider public submissions at the third public meeting to determine the controversial Park Avenue ‘Parkside’ 136 moveable home development at Yamba on October 26.

The $34 million Development Application DA by Homeland Australia, which will require an estimated 2600 truckloads to import 32850 cubic metres of fill on the site, was submitted to the Northern Regional Planning Panel NRPP by Clarence Valley Council following a vote at the February meeting.

As the DA is considered regionally significant and valued at more than $30 million, it must be determined by the NRPP. 

The NRPP, comprising Mayor Ian Tiley, Deputy Mayor Greg Clancy and state panel members Paul Mitchell (Chair), Stephen Gow and Penny Holloway, first deferred its decision on the DA in March, pending development of a draft flood evacuation plan.

At the time, Clarence Valley Council panel representatives, Mayor Ian Tiley and Councillor Greg Clancy expressed their concerns that the development design wouldn’t manage stormwater in an extreme weather event.

When the NRPP reconvened to discuss the DA via videoconference on July 20, of the 39 locals (plus Greens MLC Cate Faehrmann) registered to speak or listen to the debate online, all were against the development, raising concerns about managing stormwater drainage and flooding impact on surrounding properties.

After almost two hours considering submissions, NRRP chair Paul Mitchell said the decision was unanimous to defer a determination on the development.

“We are going to ask the Department of Environment and Planning to commission an independent assessment by a suitably qualified expert of the flooding risk and the adequacy of evacuation procedures proposed by the applicant,” he said.

The Flood Emergency Management Plan prepared by Bewsher Consulting Pty Ltd details plans by the developer to install pumps in the existing southern drainage line (the drain at the rear of adjoining Yamba Rd properties) which council staff said they ‘are satisfied …will improve the existing stormwater drainage issues, having a beneficial result to adjoining landowners.’  

“The developer has also offered to install a pump system along the existing southern drainage line located at the rear of the lot to reduce the ponding of water within the drain and minimise nuisance retention after rain events,” a council assessment report stated. 

“These systems will be the sole maintenance responsibility of the property owner.”

The Yamba Community Action Network has concerns that Yamba road residents adjoining the development are not aware that the height of fill along the southern boundary of the site will be up to 1.6 to 1.8m higher than the current fill height.

When Yamba CAN asked for details of the pump design, type, location, discharge point, maintenance and what happens in a power outage, they were told design details of the stormwater drain hadn’t yet been provided to council.

“If the development is approved, detailed design of the stormwater drainage system will be required in accordance with Council standards and is to be approved by Council prior to construction,” council told Yamba CAN.  

The NRPP advised of the third determination meeting for 8 Park Avenue for a multi dwelling housing development consisting of 136 Dwellings, one exhibition home, community facilities including clubhouse, swimming pool, gym and cinema, associated infrastructure and landscaping, via an invitation letter to interested parties on October 13.

“As this will be the third public meeting of the panel to consider this development application, the panel is familiar with issues raised verbally at the previous two public meetings and in written submissions,” the invitation letter stated. 

“The Chair has requested that you only register to speak if you have a new issue to raise or haven’t addressed the panel at a previous meeting.

“Any person is welcome to listen to the public videoconference.”

If you have any enquiries or wish to address the panel or listen to this meeting, you must register by contacting the Planning Panels Secretariat before 4pm Monday, 24 October 2022 on 02 8217 2060 or via email to