
Palm Lake/Oyster Cove “500 Card Club”

Results from Thursday July 14. Players have been pretty scarce, especially over the last couple of weeks, but all players that did turn up had a game. Now the July Racing Carnival is over the numbers should improve. There was a mistake in last weeks report, it should have read “at this time there are four players playing that do not live in the resort.” So don’t just look at this report and say I will do that sometime, do it now, come along and join in the fun, you will be pleased you did. You do not have to live in the Resort, and it does not matter if it is a long time since you played, there are plenty of people here that are willing to help you out. Palm Lake/Oyster Cove “500 Card Club” meets every Thursday afternoon at the library end of the Club House at Palm Lake/Oyster Cove Resort. Card players need to arrive at 12.45pm for the 12.55pm draw, so the games can commence at 1pm. Please contact me at Villa No137 Palm Lake/Oyster Cove or phone 6645 8778. Email Bring your friends. Keith Turner