
Palm Lake Golf

Tuesday December 20

Due to the dreaded virus, illness and injury, our numbers were much reduced this blowy Tuesday morning. However in the face of a howling southerly 9 brave souls fronted up.The numbers may have been down but the scoring was hot.

First place went to Aleks Miltiadou with 25 points from George Key also with 25 points, but beaten into 2nd place on countback ( no wipe on the last hole for Aleks today ). The pruning of his handicap by 10 shots seems to have had a positive effect on his golf as our  perennial placegetter Ray Stevens came in 3rd, with 20 points.

In the accurate golfer stakes, nearest the pins went to, on the 10th. Aleks Miltiadou, the 12th. Tony Turner and the 17th. Ray Stevens. Many thanks to Bob Oddy for conducting today’s event as I am still laid up and the Senior Statesman is way down south.

No more Palm Lake Golf until Tuesday January 3. We wish all a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Denis Kelly