Community News

The big blue shed. Image: CRU3a

Men’s Shed Garage Sale

The Men’s and Women’s Shed at 130 Jubilee Street, Townsend is holding a Big Garage Sale on Saturday, October 29 from 8am to 2pm.

The Men’s Shed is involved with a number of community projects such as building furniture to assist in alleviating hardship for flood victims.


Samples of woodwork you might see at the sale if you get there early enough.

Images: Maclean Men’s Shed

The men take on a variety of projects for people within the community. Last year the group was given a government grant to teach indigenous youth from the local area the fundamentals of woodworking, machining, carpentry, in fact anything the young people would like to learn from the men at the shed. This has encouraged them to have confidence in their abilities and made their schooling more enjoyable. This year the group received another grant to continue this work. 

There are women’s activities at the shed and they have run of the shed on Fridays and one Saturday a month. Also, on Mondays there is Hebel carving and on Wednesday there are lead lighting classes. Profits from the garage sale will support the work of the shed and help to keep this wonderful community resource open.

The Big Garage Sale will have used, and vintage tools, recycled goods, donated items and lovely craft and woodwork done by shed members. Come along and enjoy a sausage sizzle and snag a bargain. Maybe get your Christmas shopping started early. Or talk to one of our members about that small repair job or woodwork project you need done. 

Bobbie Winger