Congratulations to Charla Morrison who was recognised as the customer with the magic 1 million container counted on Saturday.
Charla’s mum Rachelle Dods happily explained it was their second visit to the Townsend Recycle Centre, as they had only recently moved from Canberra. Charla received $20 for her 10-cent container and Mum indicated she would love to help Lions out in the future and join our ‘Friends of Lions’ volunteers.
Please remember that Return and Earn is open on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday from 9am until 1pm, and that we accept any quantity of containers and pay out cash.
We would love you to join us as a volunteer (Friend of Lions) even if you can just do one day a month, it would be great to help our members and Friends of Lions volunteers, meet some new people and have a few laughs and have some fun.
Mark and I would like to congratulate and thank the community for supporting us and for all our members and volunteers for their tireless hours that they have put into this project. We will be celebrating this milestone and the completion of our new office in the not-too-distant future.
Tracy Smith