
Maclean ladies Thursday tennis grand final

The winners of the grand final of the ladies Thursday social tennis competition were Neill’s team, with Anne, Jenny Gorman and Connie Bricknell and Jenny Williams ably filling in for Jacque Bradley, who could not make it on the day. 

The two combative Thursday Maclean social tennis sides. Image: contributed

McKenzie’s team, with Julie and Kerry Donovan, were Carol Fitzgerald and Naoka Watson (who very kindly also filled in). The results were Neill’s team (5 sets, 36 games) won on the sets, with McKenzie’s (3 sets, 37 games). So close.

Although the weather forecast was for storms to be expected and not really a great day for tennis, the match was able to be completed in very humid conditions, much to the relief of the spectators, who enjoyed the contest. 

Come and join us for a game as social play will continue each Thursday.

Prue Harrington