
John Mansfield of Yamba RSL Sub-Branch with Yamba Golf and Country Club Golf Operations Manager Chris Durrington as Donna Ford of Yamba RSL Sub-Branch presents a cheque from the Lower Clarence Old Boys to Vincent Williams of Lower Clarence Magpies and Yasmin Elabbasi from Lower Clarence Magpies Women. Image: contributed

Lower Clarence Old Boys ‘Two – Up’

A very well supported Anzac Day ‘Two – Up’ game was held at the Yamba Golf and Country Club.

The game was run by The Lower Clarence Old Boys with Chris Douglas as the Ringmaster and what a fantastic job he did.

The massive crowd had a wonderful day and behaved in a manner fitting for the occasion.

Several hundred dollars were raised and once again, the Old Boys financially supported the RSL Yamba Sub-branch and were very proud to do so.

Thanks to all concerned for their help on the day and especially to the crowd that turned up and participated in the success of the day.