
Ladies tennis on Thursday

With quite a bit of difference in the scores the ladies had some long games, again last Thursday. 

The results were: McKenzie (6 sets, 41 games) defeated McAulay (2 sets, 30 games) and Donovan (5 sets, 42 games) to Mitchell (3 sets, 29 games).  Jenny McC was the lucky one to win the raffle of the meat tray.

The draw next Thursday August 13, will be Donovan’s team to play Anderson’s team and Mitchell’s team will play McAulay’s. The bye team will be McKenzie’s team.

It is great to have all ladies pitching in with the cleaning and sanitizing that needs to be completed before and after the day’s play.  Also welcome to Leanne, a new reserve player, always looking for more ladies to fill-in, can contact Sue 0408 353 503 or Prue 0491 757 786.

Prue Harrington